83 Tons Of Fraudulent Gold Aug 06, 2020

The last few months have continued to cement our conviction to avoid investment in China-based companies. The Senate passed a bill that could force the delisting of China-based stocks on U.S. exchanges.(i) The anti-CCP rhetoric has been ratcheted up to a fever pitch as November approaches. And...

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Your Portfolio on Politics Jul 24, 2020

We are now less than four months away from the U.S. elections. Things have changed since our last analysis. We are due for an update.

The Democrats have the momentum going into the final stretch. COVID-19 and its fallout have put a significant damper on the Trump campaign. The...

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Proceed With Caution Jul 08, 2020

These markets sure feel greedy. It is difficult, even in these times of quarantine, to avoid being asked about buying stocks in bankrupt companies. The recent insanity in capital markets has captivated much of the financial world. Anecdotes of borderline degenerate gamblers up 100, 200, 300...

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Value Investing Does Not Mean Low-Multiple Investing Jun 16, 2020

At the 73rd CFA Annual Conference, Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance at New York University’s Stern School of Business was asked for his thoughts on value vs. growth investing. His response:

If by value investing you mean investing in something (where) the price is less than the value,...

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Is The Market Underestimating Long-Term Inflation Risk? May 27, 2020

China-U.S. tensions have been rising. Governments worldwide have jumped in to fill the economic gaps left by COVID-19. The Fed’s money printers have certainly been… whirring?

The worst pandemic in 100 years has shaken up economies, markets, and geopolitics. During world-changing...

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The Outsized Risk Of Investing In China May 07, 2020

In the face of a pandemic that has brought the world to its knees, Chinese markets have been outperforming the rest of the world. It may seem strange that the source of COVID-19 is leading the way for 2020. It may seem especially inappropriate given the international backlash towards the...

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Identifying What You Own And Don't Own: Now Is the Time To Understand Your Holdings Mar 13, 2020

Spurred by fears of the Coronavirus and exacerbated by the precipitous drop in energy prices, stock prices experienced dramatic declines over the past few weeks.

It is easy to talk about thinking logically rather than emotionally but accomplishing this task during times of market stress can be...

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Coronavirus, Plunging Oil Prices, Record Low Interest Rates, Falling Stock Prices ... What's Next??? Mar 09, 2020

Just as investors were trying to come to terms with the Coronavirus, Saudi Arabia decided to flood the market already depressed by the virus, with hundreds of thousands of barrels of additional oil per day. While this initial volatility is a price war between the Saudis and the Russians, U.S....

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The Virus That's Plaguing the Market Feb 28, 2020

As you are probably aware, stocks have recently retreated as investors are trying to determine the economic and financial implications of the Coronavirus, or COVID-19.  Despite beginning the year on a strong note, the Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) has now pulled back about...

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2020 Elections & The Fate Of Markets Jan 08, 2020

In this Paper

• 74-year history of politics and the S&P 500

• Trump’s incentive to not exacerbate the trade war

• The consequences of extreme partisanship

The United States begins the year with elections looming. Depending on whom you ask, the world as we know it may...

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The Key To The Upside Is Managing The Downside Apr 06, 2018

In today’s market environment, one of the most impactful decisions investors must make is choosing an investment manager to help them achieve their financial goals. After years of a rising stock market, record low interest rates and volatility that has remained compressed near...

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Volatility Snaps Back Feb 06, 2018

As recently as a week ago, the most frequent question investors asked sounded similar to: “How long can these good times last?” Today the polar opposite question is being explored; namely: “Is this the beginning of another 2008?”

First, let’s begin with framing...

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