Differentiated & Long-Term Portfolios
We offer five separately managed account strategies:
- Global Equity
- Global Equity Ex-Options
- U.S. Multi-Cap Value
- Global Balanced
- Enhanced Income
The strategies have different geographic mandates and risk profiles, but each is focused on finding attractive risk-reward opportunities in equity and fixed income markets.
MAP manages money guided by a strict value discipline and a focus on downside risk mitigation. We build focused portfolios through a bottom-up process by investing in temporarily out-of-favor securities that show an attractive valuation compared to the company’s net assets and earnings power and when there is a catalyst to unlock the intrinsic value of the company.

Value Philosophy
We believe in using a multi-faceted valuation process that looks to enter securities prior to catalyst driven inflection points. This allows us to find securities that are not in the typical value universe.

Short Term Inefficiencies
The market often has short-term inefficiencies, pricing great companies at a discount. MAP aims to exploit these periodic dislocations, utilizing stock-specific catalysts, with the objective of unlocking value over time.

Benchmark Agnostic
We are benchmark agnostic: the benchmark composition does not influence our portfolio construction. This enables us to invest in the companies that have secular tailwinds, strong fundamentals and attractive valuations.

Competitive Advantage
Our goal is to build a portfolio that generates strong risk-adjusted returns by capitalizing on our successful investment process, deep intellectual capital, and experienced investment team.
We are a Global Value Manager with a proprietary investment process combining bottom-up fundamental analysis with a thematic macro-overly. A focus on catalysts helps us avoid value traps. We manage concentrated portfolios that have demonstrated low volatility and downside protection while managing to capture much of the upside.
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950 W. University Drive, Suite 100 Rochester, MI 48307
(248) 601-6677
Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC is registered as an investment advisor with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration as an investment advisor with the SEC is not an endorsement and does not imply any level of skill or training. ‍
Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). To obtain a compliant performance presentation and/or the firm’s list of composite descriptions please click on the Contact Us portion of this website, or call us directly at (248) 601-6677.
For additional detailed information about Managed Asset Portfolios, LLC including fees, services and other important information, please carefully read our current Client Relationship Summary (ADV Part 3) and Disclosure Brochure (ADV Part 2A) before you invest.
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