Investor Documents 

Client Relationship Summary - ADV Part 3
Brochure - ADV Part 2A
Brochure - ADV Part 2A (Material Changes Only)
Brochure Supplement - ADV Part 2B
MAP Code of Ethics
MAP Privacy Policy

Performance Information

MAP Views • Research & Thought Pieces
Global Equity Fact Sheet 2Q 2024
Global Balanced Fact Sheet 2Q 2024
U.S. Multi-Cap Value Fact Sheet 2Q 2024
Global Equity Ex-Options Fact Sheet 2Q 2024
Enhanced Income Fact Sheet 2Q 2024
Global Equity Strategy Overview 1Q 2024
Global Balanced Strategy Overview 1Q 2024
US Multi-Cap Value Strategy Overview 1Q 2024
Global Equity Ex-Options Strategy Overview 1Q 2024
Enhanced Income Strategy Overview 1Q 2024

MAP - GIPS Verification Reports

MAP - GIPS Verification Report - Firm-Wide 4Q 2022
MAP - GIPS Verification Report - Global Equity Composite 4Q 2022
MAP - GIPS Verification Report - Global Balanced Composite 4Q 2022
MAP - GIPS Verification Report - US Multi-Cap Value Composite 4Q 2022


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